Happy easter everyone! I hope you have a nice one – I scored this nice spring suit in Seville a few days ago, just like these earrings. I own 4 colored suits.. for real … oops .. haha! But this one was too nice to skip! I really like this colour, it’s so bright! You can certainly say one thing; it stands out![Lees meer…]
As you may have seen with many other blog posts, I really love suits! I bought this lovely suit at My Jewellery, a week later it was on sale, so I was a bit too early – But I love this new outfit anyways! I am so busy lately! But luckily especially with nice things! I stayed in Amsterdam for 2 days last week for my annual training and exam, I had dinner with my IBS friends a few days back in Utrecht and that was a lot of fun. I also had a lot of great flights lately and I try to arrange some trips, I really want to travel again![Lees meer…]
This super cute dress was sold out quickly, so when it was back in stock again I ordered it right away. I have like a hundred dresses in my closet so to speak, so I repeat a lot of similar looks, but then a bit differently. Nice for the sunny weather of the past days and the season coming up. [Lees meer…]
Lucky me! Last week I won 2x 50 euro shopping money with 2 instagram photos at both Loavies and NA-KD fashion. What a coincidence! From my Loavies budget I bought this dress that I really like. I like it both for next summer with a pair of heels, as this winter with a thick pair of tights and booties. Other news – only about 3 more weeks and then I will be flying again. Of course I am really looking forward to this new chapter of my dream job – being a flight attendant. I am very curious about this new season! [Lees meer…]
Summer is getting closer, so I am starting to wear more bright colours. I have bought this top, which I like a lot, very recently at Loavies. This top was nice to combine with my red suede heels from Missguided. My lightning earrings are from My Jewellery and the two quote bracelets too.Β [Lees meer…]
The weather has been great the previous days. It was good enough to wear heels outside and to only wear a thin coat. This long blouse is originally a dress of Missguided, which I like wearing as a blouse and scored in sale a while ago. The blouse also has a beautiful print on the back. By the way, I am going to another beauty workshop next Sunday in Utrecht. I will go together with my friend Mey. Can’t wait to create another blogpost about it!Β [Lees meer…]