Debbie Janssen and Jeremy Schapendonk made a huge amount of pictures. Here are a ‘few’ of my personal favorites. My friend Jeremy studies photography and he invited me to do a shoot at the studio of his internship. Ofcourse I was more than happy to do it. [Lees meer…]
I started this day together with one of the models called Marlin. All of the models were asked to keep their faces and hair natural (no make-up). After a good breakfast, the Lexus taxi arrived at my house to pick the both of us up. [Lees meer…]
June this year, out of the girls that are a part of the F for fashion show of 2015, I have been chosen out of the group of new models to be one of the two models for the poster/promotional shoot of the Wedding fashion show. This is together with a model that has already been part of one of the previous shows. [Lees meer…]