I went to Valencia with my best friend during my 3 day weekend. This last minute trip was very recent before the end of my 1st flying season and before I leave for Tokyo and is nummer 5 of this year. I try to travel as much as I can if I am able to. I would like to start this travel diary with how much I like this city and how it certainly stole my heart in such a short time. This city has – in my experience – everything to offer what I am looking for during a trip, so I would like to take you with me into this travel diary of my short weekend Valencia. [Lees meer…]
I wore this outfit during my first day in Florence last month. I like wearing this in Autumn and think it fits with the season – because of the red and black in it. My best friend Anne took pictures of it when I went to visit her at the other side of my city. Speaking of travel: At the end of the month, we will go to Valencia for 3 days. About a week and a half later I will make a dream come true which I have for years already: I am going to travel to Tokyo. [Lees meer…]
2 weeks ago I went to Firenze (Florence) for 2 days. In the end, my very kind colleague Michelle went along on this city trip. From another colleague I got the tip to fly to Pisa and there take the train of about an hour to Florence. We certainly used this tip for the way back, but we went with the shuttle from the airport which takes a bit longer. Both travel ways are very cheap and fast, plus you see a bit of Tuscany. [Lees meer…]
2 weeks ago I went to Athens with a friend. Our original plan was to go to a different location, but those plans became different last minute. We rebooked everything shortly before the original flight would leave, to a flight to Athens. At the airport we looked at the list of flights that we could book and that would be the first to go to a warm destination. ‘What kind of luggage do we have with us?’ – ‘Only summer clothes’ ‘So, we’ll book the first warm destination that we can book, because why not’. [Lees meer…]