Hi everyone. I made a very ‘special’ blog post about my Dubai trip at the beginning of May. I want to say in advance that this is a journey in corona time, so you can certainly have an opinion about this. But published negative opinions are not welcome on my platform. Nor do I mean to ‘motivate’ people with this to travel to a risk area and not to stick to the ‘urgent advice’. And, I would like to mention here, that traveling to (orange areas) is discouraged, but not prohibited. (Holiday to an orange area is therefore not prohibited, and the quarantine is not mandatory either) And I have been tested both there and back (3x in total). I have to tell you that this was a pretty pricey trip, because of the very expensive corona tests. The shared apartment, the crew airline tickets (IPB) and everything around it were not even that expensive. [Lees meer…]
Hi everyone! A little over a month ago I went on holiday to Dubai. It’s been quiet on my website for a while, but I’m really busy with fun things, especially the preparations for the Miss World Netherlands final on June 30th. I did a shoot with a very sweet KLM flight attendant last week, and there are 2 dress shoots on the schedule, in addition to blog shoots. This fantastic place is Penthouse Dubai, at Five the Palm. I went out for dinner and cocktails here at the time. An extensive Dubai diary with tips is coming! But this comes after the final of Miss World Netherlands. This fantastic suit has a hidden short in it by the way. I think the color is really beautiful. It has a satin look, which can be clearly seen in the photos, but less in reality. [Lees meer…]
Hi everyone, I just got back from Dubai for a while. After my work layover last year, I really wanted to go back. I have a 2.5 week vacation, and decided to go to Dubai for about 4,5 days. Two friends, including one that I would visit there, canceled last minute. I decided to go anyway, because I could stay with an former colleague in her airbnb, and she was also solo for part of her trip. It has been really fun! And I am happy to travel again after 7 months. I bought this neon dress last year, especially for my Dubai trip that I moved a few times. A large travel diary will soon be online, full of tips. [Lees meer…]
Welcome to my first layover diary and my second Stewardess post! As I have told in my other post, my work is my passion and I like to share some nice things about it. About a week and a half ago I was allowed to go to Dubai for 3 days with a nice crew, flying from Amsterdam. I already knew the cabin crew colleagues from Eindhoven and Amsterdam, so that was of course extra fun. Dubai had long been on my wish list. The airline where I work for mainly has ’turnarounds’, so a layover is of course a very nice extra for a lot of people. Many people certainly look forward to it like me. Previous September I also had a nice layover in the city of Groningen. [Lees meer…]
A few days ago I had my first layover abroad. Dubai is a cool city! I was able to spend 3 days with a great crew and one of my very best friends who lives an hour away from Dubai. Where I am standing is at La Mer, where we had lunch with the girls, recommended by my good friend Roos. This nice dress is well suited for days when the temperature is around 20 degrees. Since it would be around 20 degrees in Dubai at the time I would visit, I thought it would be great to take it with me. [Lees meer…]