During my last days in Japan I did not take many pictures. I had done almost everything I wanted to do. The 7th day of my Tokyo trip, my new Swedish and French travel friends suggested to join them to go running around 6 in the morning. I was quite tired, so I refused and went to Tokyo tower later, because I wanted to see it up close. It was nice and sunny, so I walked through Tokyo with a happy and satisfied feeling. [Lees meer…]
If you haven’t checked out day 3 and 4 yet, you can click this link: Part 2. Day 5 I really wanted to see the view of Tokyo. Once I sat down at the coffee bar of my hostel at the beginning of the afternoon, I got to know a new solo traveler named Hana (which I eventually hung out with a lot during this trip, and joined me to Shinjuku. [Lees meer…]