Black and grey, how I love this combination! This outfit is one of my most worn party outfits during this season. I wear this mostly when I go out or when I visit a party of friends. This grey turtleneck crop top really fits my black split maxi skirt just as it did fit my grey split maxi skirt. To break the ‘simplicity’, I added diamond drop earrings, something that I wear almost every day. This is because it gives an extra hint of glamour to my daily looks. [Lees meer…]
Black mesh-dresses are an absolute trend since a while. During online shopping, there is a big offer of mesh dresses. For me, this dress looked very special and catched my eye. I bought this because I didn’t have any black dresses. I decided to add a special one to my fashion collection. This black mesh-dress is a dress that I would wear during fancy parties or cocktail evenings. [Lees meer…]
This combination is a combination that is wearable all day if you have an party in the evening but also want to go out in the afternoon and don’t have time to change. The Biker Jacket gives the outfit a more hidden detail so it does not right away look like you are planning to head to a party, while without the jacket, the outfit looks like an champagne-party outfit, especially with the big crystal drop earrings. This outfit is one of my absolute favorites, especially because Grey and Black are an absolute yes if it comes to colours to combine and this outfit makes me feel feminine and glamourous, another fact: The crop top and skirt are from two completely different stores, they are originally not a co-ord set. I have worn this during the Portugal trip of a while ago, also in combination with a black split skirt. [Lees meer…]