Hi everyone! More than a week ago I left for Portugal for 3 days with a good friend of mine. It was really nice to be away for 3 days. It may sound very short, but we have done, seen and relaxed very much. I can’t wait to tell you much more about this journey. I shot this outfit at 3 different locations. This beautiful blue satin dress is nice for a chic dinner, but I thought it was suitable for this beautiful journey. The color is as blue as the sea. To get to these places I really had to climb a lot, on heels haha, but I am happy with the end result. Places where I shot it are Cabo de SΓ£o Vicente, Ponta de Piedade and Praia do Camilo. These places are unbelievably beautiful, much more beautiful than I can capture with my camera. Recommendation to visit! [Lees meer…]