Hi everyone. I made a very ‘special’ blog post about my Dubai trip at the beginning of May. I want to say in advance that this is a journey in corona time, so you can certainly have an opinion about this. But published negative opinions are not welcome on my platform. Nor do I mean to ‘motivate’ people with this to travel to a risk area and not to stick to the ‘urgent advice’. And, I would like to mention here, that traveling to (orange areas) is discouraged, but not prohibited. (Holiday to an orange area is therefore not prohibited, and the quarantine is not mandatory either) And I have been tested both there and back (3x in total). I have to tell you that this was a pretty pricey trip, because of the very expensive corona tests. The shared apartment, the crew airline tickets (IPB) and everything around it were not even that expensive. [Lees meer…]