Hi everyone! This is a special post that I have dedicated to my dream job – Stewardess. I have now been flying for about 2 years and I already have a permanent contract. Because I love my work, I have added some of my favorite photos from the past (3) flying seasons in this post. [Lees meer…]
Hi everyone! Best wishes for 2020! The holidays are over so quickly. This year I had the luxury of being off during Christmas (exept on Christas eve) after a long Canarian flight on Christmas Eve. And I was called out of standby for an Canarian flight during the last day of 2019, which allowed me to celebrate New Years Eve at home on the couch with my parents. On this 1st day of Januari – I cannot be allocated for one day due to my long morning flight yesterday, so I am off. I hope you also had lovely holidays. [Lees meer…]